Saturday, July 14, 2012


Date: July 10, 2012
Time: 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Weather: Continuous rain, chilly, and snow on the top of mountains!

Yellow Dryas—Dryas Drummondii

Single Delight (Shy Maiden)—Moneses uniflora

Soapberry—Sapindus drummondii

Prickly Rose—Rosa acicularis
Pink Pyrola (Wintergreen)—Pyrola asarifolia

Northern Yarrow—Achillea borealis
Coastal Paintbrush (Yellow Paintbrush)—Castilleja unalaschensis

Grass Of Parnassus (Bog Star)—Parnassia palustris
Shelf Fungus—Ganoderma applanatum

Common Horsetail—Equisetum arvense
Orange Cup Fungus

Alpine Bearberry—Arctostaphylos alpine
Arctic Daisy—Chrysanthemum arcticum

Black Spruce—Picea mariana
White Spruce—Picea glauca

Quaking Aspen—Populus tremuloides
Alaskan Moose—Alces alces gigas

McCarthy is a small cozy town where is an end of the road to Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. After passing through Thompson Pass, we could soon see Boreal Forest and Muskeg around there. It was a great view and drive even though it was rain. We walked around the lodge we stayed to observe species in Taiga. The soil in the area we walked was glacial till, and there were covered numbers of rocks. We could find lots of lichens, mosses, fungi, flowers, and moose’s dung.      

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