Monday, July 16, 2012


This is the second flower I want to go more in depth with because they were all over every trail we were on in McCarthy and Kennicott.

Bluebells AKA Lungwort, Languid Lady, Chiming Bells.- Mertensia paniculata 

Family: Borage/Boraginaceae
Habitat: Woods and meadows throughout most of Alaska except Southeastern and north of the Brooks Range
Blooming Time: June and July
Description: A plant with many stems, 18 to 30" tall, with hairy, dark green leaves that are broad at the base and tapering to a long point. The flowers are tubular (funnel-shaped), pink in bud, later turning blue, and occasionally the flowers could be all pink.
Comments: This is an edible plant though somewhat fishy tasting. A related species, Oyster Leaf- Mertensia maritima, is a coastal plant found growing on beaches. It has very small blue, or sometimes white flowers and thick succulent fairly broad leaves that are frequently a light bluish-green color.
This is a very beautiful flower.

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