Saturday, June 4, 2011

Water Striders

Water Striders are part of the Gerridae family, there are over 500 different species of the strider. They can be found throughout the world and all over north america and found all year round as long as the water isn't frozen in small ponds, marshes and small pools by rivers. They feed on both living and dead insects like dragonflies, mosquitos, and various others such as beetles and butterflies, also mosquito larvae. Water Striders are between 3 to 16 mm or 1/2 inch in size and has 6 legs, the front are used to grab prey the back 4 are used to push around on the water allowing them to move very quickly. They are able to glide over water because they are so light and have water proof hairs on their legs. The females lay their eggs along the edges of pond or on grass to protect the larvae form predators.


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