Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer Solstice

Today is the day with the longest daylight. It is the Summer Solstice. The solstice occurs when the earth's axis is tilted the closest to the sun, at least in this hemisphere. Most years, the solstice happens on June 21st, but this year it is on the 20th because the moment of solstice is at 11:59 pm today. Many people throughout history have celebrated this occasion in various ways. Whatever way you may or may not celebrate, Happy Summer Solstice!

1 comment:

  1. I do celebrate the Solstice and was camped alongside a gorgeous river in the Yukon for it this year, on my way home. I love the long summer days we have, but am a little saddened at the thought that the soltice marks when the days start getting shorter. I love the Winter Solstice, even though there is much less light, as it is the beginning of the lengthening of the days!


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