Thursday, June 5, 2008

Dock Point

weather: Rainy day
Temperature: 50(degree f)
Plants: Samon berry,spiny wood fern,devils club,red berry aldar,star flower,Northern rice root black,goats beard.
organisms: slug snail,shell fungus
birds: gull bird,duck bird, remains of a dead eagle.
animals: Northern river otter.
On arrival at the Dock point, was the amazing Northern river otter but we hard a glare view of it because of the distance it had with us from the otter is a sleek long-bodied mammal has glossy gray-brown coat,thick tail and webbed hind feet. it is mostly found near water throughout most of Alaska.
on our ascension up to the dock point,i identified a salmon berry,also known as rubus spectabilis, it's sizes 7ft often thick-forming shrub in the south coast of Alaska (pg110 nature of alaska). Also on the identification list was the spiny wood fern also known as dryopteris expansa,often fronds clustered,erect and spreading, 1m tall(pg422 plants of the pacific book). to add was the devils club, also known as oplopanax horridus(pg82)
we noticed the mid way to the top of the dock point, the soil was more fertile than at the foot of the dock point. there too was a star flower known also as trientalis europea with size of is mostly found in muskegs, wet forests,tundra. a slug snail was also seen, goat beard known as aruscus sylvester with size of 4ft large, compound leaves usually have 7 leaflets. creamy flowers bloom in long giving the plant it characteristics appearance. found in moist woodlands,ravines,along water ways most common in coastal areas. i also realise that berries ripe faster at the top of the dock point than at the foot because they get more sunlight than at the foot.
i found a squerrel nest where the inhabitant of the colony, clean their nest during the summer getting ready to pile in more food in preparation for the next winter to come. the last but not the least, we found the remains of a dead eagle but from its features, it looked more like the bald eagle.


  1. Hi Emmanuel, The otter we saw was actually a sea otter. The river otter lives nearby here, too. However, they live in rivers and inland bodies of water, usually. The sea otter has the densest fur of any mammal. They need it to keep warm in our cold seas.

  2. Yeah I think those feathers were from a bald eagle as well. Good find!


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