Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wendy Goldstein

Hi! My name is Wendy Goldstein, and I live in Valdez, Alaska. I moved here about 3 years ago from Connecticut. I work at Prince William Sound Community College in the Campus Shoppe and the Maxine & Jesse Whitney Museum. I live with my husband, Andrew, my son, Henry, aged 1 ½, and our two dogs, Jemma and Fred.
So far, I adore Alaska. I am taking this class because I want to learn about the plants and animals of this great state. They are so much different than I am used to. For example, I miss crickets, lightening bugs, good loud thunderstorms, and the sounds of heat “heat bugs”, in other words, cicadas. However, there are so many amazing animals here that it makes up for it.
I grew up a child of the 70s, going to the Barnes Nature Center in the summer, and walking in the woods with my dad, learning about the trees, plants, animals, and birds in Connecticut. It was a magical upbringing, which taught me to observe and appreciate Nature.
Now that I live in Alaska, I feel lost without the knowledge of my surroundings that I am used to. I need to know more about Alaskan natural history for my own self as well as for my son. He will have a magical upbringing as well- an inate talent for observation and appreciation of Nature. That is my goal.


  1. You miss good loud thunderstorms? Haha, I'm glad I left those in the states...I do miss fireflies though...

  2. Hey they have thunderstorms in Fairbanks, so if you get really lonely for one you can go up there for a visit. I, myself, do NOT like thunderstorms except at a very far distance.


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