Friday, October 24, 2014

 Shoup Bay Thicket
October 23rd 
1:55 pm
Sunny, no clouds, wet grounds 
felt like low 40's

"Shoup Bay Trail, Valdez, AK Image." Shoup Bay Trail, Valdez, AK Image. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <>.


Black cottonwood, Populus

Cow parsnip, Heracleum

Rose Willow, Cornus amomum

High bush berry, Viburnum trilobum

Sitka alder, Viburnum trilobum

 Yellow moss,  Xanthoria parietina

Reference Guide. (1994). In J. Pojar (Ed.), Plants Of The Pacific Northwest Coast (p. 528). Canada: Lone Pine Publisher

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