Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Burklund, M. (2013, February 2). Get strong nails and shiny hair with Horsetail. Retrieved October 21, 2014, from http://www.healthyfashionista.com/healthyfashionista/blog/2013/02/02/get-strong-nails-and-shiny-hair-with-horsetail

      Horsetail tend to bloom around spring time. They have stems which are hallow and contain vertical ridges. Horsetails have a rough feeling to it, and very narrow. The way it spreads is horizontally, which then forms lacy carpets in the moist and wet woodlands. You can use Horsetail to clean pots and pans because it has silica. If you peel it, the inside of the leafy part it good enough to taste. There are more than just 1 type of horsetail, they come in many different species. Some have shorter leaves than other, some longer. 

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