Saturday, July 25, 2009

Summaries Of Our Trips

Mineral Creek
Time: 12:30 to 3:30
Date: Wednesday June 03, 2009
Place: Mineral Creek
Temperature: 60’s
Climate: Mostly sunny, some clouds with a light breeze

Plants seen on the trip:
Bush Cranberries
Bog Blueberries
Low Bush Cranberries
Dogwood Berries
Alaska Violet
Bog Rosemary
Corn Lilly
Chocolate Lilly
Red Alder
Canadian Dwarf Coronel
Willow Trees
Wild Iris
Club Rush
High Bush berries
False Lilly of the Valley
Green Fake Hellebore
Peat Moss
Narcissus Flowered Anemone
Western Butter Cup
Tufted Club rush
Cotton Grass

Insects and animals seen on the trip:
Spiders Lots of Mosquitoes
Bird Tracks

Well I would have to say it was kind of fun. I don’t know much about what we seen or even where we were. I never did think that I would be sitting on the ground in a bog on a bunch of moss. I would have to say that was a first for me. And I’m sure there will be many times I will say that.

It was a very beautiful day to be out doors looking around at all the different things. I think that a lot of the plants and flowers we seen today was very beautiful I guess I never realized all the different things that was have living all around us.

I found the trip to be very educational an a very interesting experience, it was a wonderful day to be out an about. I also love that we found so many diff rent types of plants an wild flowers in one place..
i hope all the trips were this fun, but next time I'm going to wear more comfy clothing an bring more water... i really liked the feeling of the moss an the mud too ha ha...
i like sunk in the mud it was funny i thought i was going to fall but i loved it
Posted by fairchild,Amber

Today was a beautiful day to be out exploring. I had a lot of fun identifying the plants. The amount of life in the bog is fascinating. What bothered me was seeing trash left behind & tire tracks. Some people are so careless & stupid. I honestly don't understand how driving through a bog could be entertaining. Also how hard is it to dispose of trash properly?
I just looked up canine tracks & don't think we saw coyote tracks, unless it was a large coyote. I think it was a large dog, possibly wolf but I'm not sure if we have any wolves in the area.
The bird tracks may have been magpie, but I'm not sure. There was a magpie "hopping" around; there was also a robin.
I do wish we could have done more walking & spent more time looking around. I really enjoyed this field trip.
Posted by Michelle

All in all I think that we all enjoyed this trip. We all found some really plants and all had a really good time. Who ever would have though that we all would have fun and learn some things at the same time.

Worthington Glacier and Thompson Pass
: 1:00 to 4:00
Date: Wednesday June 2, 2009
Place: Worthington Glacier and Thompson Pass
Temperature: 40’s
Climate: Partly sunny, some clouds with a light breeze

Plants seen on the trip:
Chocolate Lilly
Willow Trees
Coastal Yellow Paintbrush
Golden Crown Sparrow
Snow Potential
Mount Avers
Mountain Hair bell
Yellow Spotted Saxifrage
Mountain Heather
Glaucous Gentian
River Beauty
Pussy Toes
Moss Campion
Lessing’s Arnica
Wooly Lousewort
Alp Lilly
Bear berries
Labrador Tea
Narcissus Flowered Anemone
Purple Shooting Star
Arctic Bluegrass
Spike Trisetum
Insects and animals seen on the trip:
Spiders Lots of Mosquitoes
Lady Bug
Ground Squirrel

I couldn't believe that the glacier was so big an yet it was so small.
I enjoyed the hike to the glacier an the waking around.
I was surprised at how much plant life was at the glacier, an how Even thought there is new life it was so beautiful.
Posted by fairchild,Amber
It was beautiful day to go up to Worthington glacier & the pass. Our first stop was at Worthington Glacier. I was surprised by the number of seagulls around the area. There is a glacial lake, giving them a water source. Seagulls are also opportunistic when it comes to food, meaning that they will eat anything they find. There were tourist there & I'm sure the Seagulls were waiting for them to drop food or leave the dumpster open... The most surprising thing, for me was seeing how much the glacier has receded since the last time I was there. We walked toward the glacier to get a better look. There are a lot of cool rocks that have been deposited by the glacier. The rock is called schist & has a layered/flaky look. On our way back from the glacier, we spotted some grasses next to the alders & willows. I thought one grass was Alaskan Bentgrass, but did some research when I got home & I'm pretty sure it was actually Spike Trisetum. The other grass I was unable to identify is Artic Bluegrass. I reasearched it when I got home as well. As we were stopping along the pass an arctic ground squirrel ran in front of the car. Luckily we did not harm the squirrel. We also saw a Golden Crown Sparrow. Thompson pass is so beautiful, words can't describe how amazing the veiw is. We were at about 2678ft, so it was cool & windy. We identified three types of berries. There are some interesting lichen that live there as well. One of the lichens is black & looks like hair. There is an interesting varity of plant life on the pass. I'd have to say the berrries are my favorite & I'm looking foward to going berry picking, when they ripen.
Posted by Michelle

I think we all really liked this trip, because we got to walk on the glacier and that wa pretty cool. We all had fun and had a pretty good time all of seeing and finding all kinds of differnt things.

Boat Trip and Gold Creek Beach
Time: 10:40 to 1:30
Date: Monday July 20, 2009
Place:Boat Trip and Gold Creek Beach
Temperature: 50’s
Climate: Raining, very foggy, and very cold

Plants and animals seen on the trip:
Humpback Shrimp
Two Spot Shrimp
Irish Lords
Sea Lions
Blue Muscles
Clam Shells
Rock weed
Butter Clam
Wild Celery
False Pacific Jingle Shell
Artit Turn Feather
Musk Limpet
Lewis Moon
Salmon Telling
Beach Groundsel
Sea Otters
Beach Grass
Crab Leg
Tube Worm Shell

I think this trip was the best one, yes I was a little scared at first but we all made alive. It was really cool to see the sea lions, and sea otters I have never seen anything like that before.Seeing that was the part that I liked the most, the next part would have to be when he span us around on the boat when we were standing on the very front part of it. Thank you for the trips it was fun and I would go on a boat again sometime I really did enjoy myself out there.

The boat we took was a trashy looking work boat. I was not impressed when the guy taking us out refused to let us wear life jackets. I also did not like it when he decided to play a prank & act like he was leaving us on the beach. That was not funny at all.The best part of this trip was watching the sea lions on a buoy. We also saw sea otters. They have the cutest little faces. With the exception of the guy who took us out, this was a good trip.
Posted by Michelle

Now Michelle and I both really liked this trip the best I think...well I know I did. It was really fun being on the boat and seeing the is out there in all that water. Seeing the sea lions and sea otters that was the first time we have ever seen anything like that before. I wish that we could have done more trips like that one.

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