Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Boat Trip

7/20/2009 10:45am -1:30pm
Rain with a temperature around 50 - 55 degrees.

Irish Lord (Fish)
Humpback Shrimp
Two Spot Shrimp
Sea Lion
Sea Otter

Plants and animals found along Gold Beach:
Fire Weed
Beach Grass
Blue Muscle
Crab Leg
Rock Weed
False Pacific Jingle Shell
Butter Clam
Feather of Artic Turn
Lewis Moon Snail
Salmon Tellin (Clam)
Tube Worm Shells
Beach Groundsel

The boat we took was a trashy looking work boat. I was not impressed when the guy taking us out refused to let us wear life jackets. I also did not like it when he decided to play a prank & act like he was leaving us on the beach. That was not funny at all.

The best part of this trip was watching the sea lions on a buoy. We also saw sea otters. They have the cutest little faces. With the exception of the guy who took us out, this was a good trip.

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