Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Field trip to the Mineral Creek.

Today tuesday july o8, at 1:30pm, we went up to the Mineral Creek.
Temperatures were 56 degree F, climate was cold and rainy.
The vegetations at the Mineral Creek was green and beautiful.

On walking along the trail at the Creek, we first identified;
- Groups of wild Celery, also known as Heracleum Lanatum, from Parsley/Alpiaceae family, they are mostly habitated at moist fields, woodlands and alpine meadows. they bloom around July to mid August. a tall plant with large hollow stems and very large leaves deeply divided into three with deep extra incisions. secondly, we identified a yellow Anemone from the crownfool/ Ranunculaceae, and mostly found in moist woods near streams and alpine meadows throughur most of Alaska. its blooming time is early June to mid-July. Also, there was a coastal paintbrush, low bush cramberry,high bush cramberry with blooming time june and early July. the low bush cranberry is found on acidic soil,hummocks in bogs,woods and alpine slopes and is a low ever green shrubs, while the high bush cranberry is usually an upright shrup up to 8feet tall with smooth branches. To add, there was a group of cotton grass, pitt moss, dwofdog wood. we also saw a Caribou lichen, sybarian Asta,Narcissus Flowered Anemone, a water melon berry, Sitka Valerians and goats beard. We also got news of bears around were we were which scared Isaiah and i most so we had to use the common defence mechanism by talking loud and shouting bear bear go away come in back another day, just to scare them away from us.

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