Friday, July 11, 2008

Columbia Glasier Trip

10 July 2008

Temp: 64 degree, calm and cloudy on the sky.

We sailed with Kayaking tourists throught the Columbia Glasier early in the morning. The weather was just perfect for me not windy and sunny at all way. When we got off the boat around the area of Glasier, we identified different type of vegitations, seashores, birds, and others including puppies. We identified the following seashores NATIVE LITTLENECK CLAM, ROUGH KEYHOLE LIMPET, BLUE MUSSEL, AND MOON JELLYFISH inside the bay of the sea. There were ROCKWEED all over the wet land. Bottom of the glasier edge got a lot of rock and but two little SITKA SPRUCE were growing around the 10 cm tall.


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