Saturday, October 11, 2014

Dock Point

                                                                               Devil's Club
`                                                                             Echinopanax horridum 

Devil's Club are usually found moist coastal areas, like South central Alaska, Kodiak Island, and Southeastern Alaska. They tend to bloom during the month of June. The Club can get up to about four to eight feet tall and has a dense thickness. The leaves are maple shaped and the Club is considered a shrub. On the veins and stems there is spines connected. There are greenish flowers and in August form red berries. The berries also have thorns. They only have about one to two spiny club-like spikes left.  

Pratt, Verna E. "Devils Club." Alaskan Wildflowers. N.p.: AlaskaKrafts, 1989. 79. Print

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