Wednesday, September 24, 2014

(no photo because phone is being a stupid)
September 23, 2014 2:00 pm Worthington Glacier

weather: sunny, partially cloudy
geo: alpine tundra

animals: cackling goose Branta hutchinsii, bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus, worm(?) tracks, flies(tiny grey ones)

plants (and such):
red alder Alnus rubra
willow Salix sp.
common fireweed Epilobium angustifolium
scouring-rush Equisetum hyemale
unidentified grass and small mosses
filament algae (of some sort)
deceiver mushroom Laccaria laccata

Pojar, J., MacKinnon, A., & Alaback, P. B. (1994). Plants of the Pacific Northwest coast: Washington, Oregon, British Columbia & Alaska. Redmond, Wash.: Lone Pine Pub..
Pratt, V. E. (1989). Field guide to Alaskan wildflowers. Anchorage, Alaska: Alaskakrafts Pub..

Armstrong, R. H. (1981). A guide to the birds of Alaska (5th ed.). Anchorage, Alaska: Alaska Northwest Pub. Co..

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