Monday, July 16, 2012

Yellow Dyras

Yellow Dryas is the first flower I identified on our trip

Yellow Dryas- Dryas Drummondii

Family: Rose/Rosaceae
Habitat: Dry gravel areas and river bars throughout interior, southcentral and eastern Alaska.
Blooming Time: June to early July
Description: A sprawling sub-shrub with oval basal leaves that sometimes have rolled edges. The leaf veins are very prominent and the edges wavy, being greenish-brown above to whitish from hairs underneath. The 2-3" high flower stem has no leaves. The calyx has blackish-brown hairs and the flowers are nodding and only partially open. The seed head is in a spiral, opening fully to a tannish fluffy head. It may be seen along the Glenn Highway near the village of Eklutna and is common in gravelly areas near glacial streams.
And that was were I first identified this flower, right along a glacial stream and lake.

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