Friday, July 27, 2012

Mineral Creek Trail

Date: July 26, 2012
Time: 1:30-4:00 p.m.
Weather: Sunny with strong sunlight and clear sky

Round-Leaved Sundew—Drosera rotundifolia

Wild Iris—Iris setosa

Dwarf Dogwood—Cornus Canadensis

Narrow-Leaved Cotton-Grass—Eriophorm angustifolium

Star Flower—Trientalis europea arctica

Brown-Stemmed Bog Moss—Sphagnum lindbergii

Crowberry—Empetrum nigrum

Tufted Clubrush—Trichophorum cespitosum

Few-Flowered Sedge—Carex pauciflora

Caltha-Leaved Avens—Geum calthifolium

Steven’s spirea—S. stevenii

Nagoonberry—Rubus arcticus

A Mountain-Ash—spp. Sorbus sitchensis

Siberian Aster—Aster sibiricus

Swamp Horsetail—Equisetum fluviatile

Highbush-Cranberry—Viburnum edule

Sitka Valerian—Valeriana sitchensis

Wild Geranium—Geranium erianthum

Coastal Paintbrush—Castilleja unalaschcensis

Alpine Bistort—Bistorta vivipara

False Hellebore—Veratrum viride

Black Alpine Sedge—Carex nigricans

Wild Celery—Angelica lucida

Goatsbeard—Aruncus Sylvester

 It was our last field trip with a perfect weather. We walked around open bog where was so beautiful. There were full of spongy mosses, green grasses, flowers, and cushiony mud. I enjoyed the feelings like a soft carpet. When we look down very closely, we could see lots of tiny though perfect shaped plants or flowers around there. It was a really great time!  

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