Saturday, July 14, 2012


Date: July 11, 2012
Time: 10:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Weather: Beautiful sunny day with a bit strong sunshine

Siberian Aster—Aster sibiricus

Yellow Spotted Saxifrage—Saxifrage bronchialis

Large-Flowered Wintergreen—Pyrola grandiflora

Kamchatka Rockcress—Arabis lyrata

Twin Flower—Linnaea borealis

Eskimo Potato—Hedysarum alpinum

Dwarf Fireweed (River Beauty)—Epilobium latifolium

Labrador Tea—Ledum palustris groenlandicum

Monkshood—Aconitum delphinifoloum


Common Juniper—Juniperus Communis

Wild Red Currant—Ribes triste

Black Spruce—Picea mariana

White Spruce—Picea glauca

Paper Birch—Betula papyrifera

Alaskan Moose—Alces alces gigas

 The second day was a perfect weather to hike! We could clearly see the glaciers and mountains. We took a shuttle bus to Kennicott where is about 4.5 miles from McCarthy. After learning about its history of mine, we walked on a trail. It was a nice and mild course, and the views of the Chugach Mountains and glacier, especially a layer of glacial moraines were amazing! The trail was along the rocky slope ridge; there were several different plants and flowers we couldn’t find in the McCarthy.   

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