Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summary of Mineral Creek Summer 2011

Time: 6:00-9:00 pm
Date: Wednesday 8 June, 2011
Place: Mineral Creek and Bog
Weather: Light wind, light rain, and cloudy


Sitka Alder---Alnus viridis

Sitka Willow---Salix sitchensis

Sitka Valerian- Valerina sitchensis

Black Cotton Wood- Populus trichocarpa

Dwarf Dog Wood- Cornus pumila

Trailing Black Currant---Ribes laxiflorum

Red Berry Eilder---Sambucus racemosa L.

Fireweed- Epilobium angustifolium

Large Leaf Avens- Geum macrophyllum
Common Dandelions- Taraxacum
Fireweed- Epilobium angustifolium
Forget-me-not- Myosotis
Narcissus Flower Anemone- Anemone narcissiflora
Salmon Berry- Rubus spectabilis

Alaska Spiraea- Spiraea beauverdiana
Shepherd's Purse- Capsella bursa-pastoris
Trailing Black Currant- Ribes laxiflorum

Marsh Violet- Viola palustris
Wild Iris- Iris missouriensis
Chocolate Lilly- Fritillaria biflora
Sundew- Drosera
Nagoon Berry- Rubus arcticus
Star Flower- Borago officinalis

Crow Berry- Empetrum

Narcissus Anemone---Anemone narcissiflora

Cloud Berry- Rubus chamaemorus
Bog Blueberry- Vaccinium myrtillus

Marsh Cinquefoil---Potentilla palustris

Alaska Violet- Viola langsdorfii fisch
High Bush Cranberry- Viburnum trilobum

Bog Cranberry- Vaccinium oxycoccos

Devil's Club-Oplopanax horridus
Northern Red Currant- Ribes triste
Spiny Wood Fern- Dryopteris expansa
Cow Parsnip- Heracleum maximum
Smooth Alumroot- Heuchera glabra

Kelloggs Sedge---Carex Kelloggii

Horse Tail- Equisetum
False Hellebore- Veratrum viride
Bog Labrador's Tea- Rhododendron groenlandicum
Fern- Matteuccia struthiopterisSphagnum Moss
Fir Club Moss- Huperzia selago


Bald Eagle- Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Caterpillar- Lepidoptera spp.
Violet Green Swallows- Tachycineta thalassina

This was a great trip, there was lots to be seen even before we arrived at the bog. The bog itself was amazing, full of mosses and a couple of wildflowers. This was the first time most of us had seen a sundew. On our way back we identified a couple more species, and the mosquitoes weren’t out as bad as they were on the way in.

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