Saturday, June 4, 2011

Root Glacier Trail

Root Glacier Trail

Soap Berry---Shepherdia canadensis
Common Dandelion---Taraxacum officinale
Prickly Saxifrage---Saxifraga tricuspidata
Green Map Lichen---Rhizocarpon geographicum
False Pixie Cup---Cladonia chlorophaea
Yellow Anemone---Anemone ranunculoides
Large Flowered Wintergreen---Pyrola grandiflora
White Spruce---Picea glauca
Narcissus Flowered Anemone
Elegant Orange Lichen---Xanthoria Elegans
Barclay Willow---Salix Barclayi
Monks Hood---Aconitum Columbianum
White Heather---Cassiope mertensiana
Sub Alpine Fir---Abies lasiocarpa Nutt.
Mountain Avens---Dryas integrifolia/octopetala
Paper Birch---Betula papyrifera
Lupins---Lupinus angustifolius
Mountain Ash---Sorbus americana
Beautiful Jacobs Ladder---Polemonium pulcherrimum
Lemon Lichen---Candelaria concolor
Dwarf Fireweed---Chamerion latifolium
Iceland Moss (Lichen)---Cetraria islandica L.
Twin Flower---Linnaea borealis
Alpine Bearberry---Arctostaphylos alpina
Kichatna Watercress---Nasturtium officinale
Balsam Poplar---Populus balsamifera
Mourning Cloak---Nymphalis antiopa
Ants SP.
Black Beetle---Pterostichus melanarius
Swallow SP.

It was an cool trail being on the side of the hill like that like the whole town was. What a view too, seeing that Karst and hearing the glacier cracking was amazing. It was pretty to see all the other plants that grew there and see the difference between there and here.

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