Tuesday, June 16, 2009

12 minle an valdez glacier

60 degrees out at 12 mile,
slight breeze

12 Mile
animal skat, of wild an domain animals
Sitka spruce
bloom rape ground cone
mountain Adler
black Cotton wood Michel found
false pixy cup
coastal reindeer
side bells pyrola
orange mushroom
willow trees Atlas 3 kinds
elegant goldenrod
mountain sage wort
pink wintergreen
northern yarrow
Eskimo potato or called bear root

Out at Valdez glacier
55 degrees,
slightly breezy
tones of water
Adler trees
willow tree
dwarf willow
Eskimo potato
Arctic willow
purple beach pea
dwarf fire weed/ river beauty
single delight shy median
northern goldenrod
kill Deva
black bear,
animal diggings bear

some similarity's that i found were out at 12 mile it was much dryer an a lot of diff rent vegetation's like likens, an trees , but not a lot of wild flowers. The two places had alot of same plants, but it also has differences between the places.
Some of the differences i noticed was the vegetation by the glacier was less but more wild an the trees grew more out there an at 12 mile, but were fairly younger than anywhere else.
It was also wonderful to notice the water.
Very peaceful, an it was quiet. The black bear was a cub only this year.
but out at 12 mile the ground was covered by moss an a thin Lear of dirt. It has a lot of gravel an rocks.

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