Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Trip to Mc Cathy

Satuday july 19th we the Natural History of Alaska student took a tour to McCathy, but our first stop was at the thompson past at 9:00am, temperature was 40 degree, and chily. while at thompson pass, we encountered the beauty of nature were we saw wild flowers like Narssiccus Anemone,dwaf blue berries,crowberries, wooly actic louswort,nagoon berries, Arctic Voilet, Rose root, leafy lichens,Arctic willow. the moraine the thompson pass was a lateral moraine . From thompson pass we headed to McCathy were on our way, stood in apraisal of what nature still had for us to see, the white and black spruce trees,labrodo tea,red bear berry don't ask me why it is called a red bear berry,northern bed straw, and then came the serges with edges, Alders were in their number. then finaly came out stop and we loged at an inn, the class of four and our teacher Dr. Julie making a group of three laddies and two men woaw what a raise of the eye browl women sharing the same room with me? Na!! but to know among the plenti, there are some few meaning the two guys were gentlemen who took spending the night with laddies as normal as any thing no heart feeling. The night was a good one though Edward and i almost baked from the heat while at sleep.

On sunday 20 and same july, we got up at 9:00am took breakfast the day was a beautiful and sunny, temperature was 60 degree F.We took a ride to Kennicot were we discovered wonders of the pass, which is the old building of the Copper Mining, the structures where magnificient, we had to see the formal general store and post office, and on the side of wild flowers, we still had to see the bear berries, twin berry flower, elegant goldenrod,monkshood, and the wonders of how ice can make meaning out of nature and there stood before us the amazing settlement of the kennicot glacier as seen on the picture above. While taking our short break to cach up our breath, i mistakenly threw banana peeling in the bush, little did i know it will call for the creature from God the FOX see picture above, you needed to see how scared i was especially with the second thought that if it would have been a bear then God be our helper most especially i was at close proximity with the animal. it was a wonderful trip, we had alot of fun we learnt and saw things i never thought i i world have ever seen in my life. thanks to this class.

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