Wednesday, July 2, 2008

field trip to shup bay.

Today 07/01/08 we went to shup Bay trill at 1:3o pm.

Temperature was 65 to 70 degree celcus, it was sunny and beautiful.

winds coming from the west moving to the east.

The trees along were bloomy and so green and beautiful.

for the wild folwers we saw denda lions, willows,red alda,stinging nattle, wood ferns. the rasp berry we saw was green but it will have to produce its fruits coming this july. also was the devils club which we also have seen at the Valdez Glacier and dock Point but at the shup Bay, the devils club sprung up flowers.

we saw and amazing slug fighting it was out of the foot path inorder not to get steped by us. to add, we saw a cotton wood tree but no flowers at the top. also at the shup bay we saw beautiful chocolate lily,sitka valaria,coastal paintbrush, shooting star, beach pea, wild iris,dwaf daywood, arctic daisy, pacific silver weed.wild geranium cranesbill. All the above wild flowers mentioned, are mostly found in meadows through out the southern half of Alaska including the Alaskan rang.their blooming time are almost similar that is june july and august.

while at the shore we also found sea weed that were washed to the shore by the ocean current othe words known as tights, at the shore were dead clam shells, crap hand and so on. the field trip was an interesting one and very educative. interesting in the sense that we had to walk and shout inorder to scare away any near by bears from thinking of attacking us. below are pictures of some of the wild flowers and the crew.

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